Photographer’s Trail Guides

I’m honored to now be a part of Photographer’s Trail Guides, a website with dozens of photography guides for locations all across America. Founder Tim Weir approached me a few months ago about listing my book on his site and I jumped at the chance to be a part of it. The 3rd edition of my popular Photographer’s Guide to Acadia is now listed on Tim’s website and I’m looking forward to partnering with him.

I wrote The Photographer’s Guide to Acadia to help other photographers and visitors find where to go and what to see in Acadia, as well as to teach them how to use their cameras– it’s also the only guidebook with Google Maps links to every picture so you can easily find your way to every location, without having to figure out how to get there. The expanded 3rd edition contains 276 pages and 238 photos, including dozens of new pictures and locations. Only $18.99- available right now in the iTunes store or as a downloadable pdf. If you’re planning a photo trip to Acadia (or even just a trip to see the best sights), this book will save you hours of planning time.

Below are the website listing and the email blast that went out this past weekend.


Elements Magazine… How It Was Shot


Kentucky Spring